Frequently Asked Questions

Search Results
26 FAQs matched your search criteria.
  1. Bad cutset/ bad voltage loop compiler warning...
  2. Can I import models from other software tools to Typhoon?
  3. Can I use Typhoon software for offline simulation?
  4. Circuit partitioning quick start
  5. Difference between discretization methods: Exact vs. Euler?
  6. How many power system buses can I simulate?
  7. How to connect grounds in multi-core models?
  8. How to measure phase voltages in 3-phase system
  9. I can't access time varying elements
  10. Is there possiblity to have PMSM reluctance machine as component?
  11. SCADA returns arithmetic overflow (AO) flag
  12. Signal Processing-based electrical machine solvers
  13. Transformer saturation: magnetizing flux and current values
  14. What are valid applications for using individual switches?
  15. What does "Enable GDS oversampling" do?
  16. What is not supported by the C Function component?
  17. What is the impact of a core coupling on the electrical signals or circuit performance?
  18. What is the maximum number of electrical variables between two cores, two cores in two different devices, two devices?
  19. What is the maximum number of MMC levels per HIL device?
  20. What is the maximum possible machine speed that can be simulated in Typhoon?
  21. What is the maximum simulation capability of the Single phase MMC modeled using IGBT leg?
  22. What should I do if a converter does not have an internal modulator?
  23. What type of load component to use in my model?
  24. Why I cannot access individual switches from Schematic Editor library?
  25. Why is there a negative current through a diode?
  26. [Obsolete] What is "SPC Output memory size [variables]" in the device configuration table?

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