Frequently Asked Question

[Obsolete] What is "SPC Output memory size [variables]" in the device configuration table?
Last Updated 10 months ago

From the software version 2023.2 this filed is removed from the device configuration table. Reason: it's value is the same - 512 for all firmware configurations on HILs 404/602+/604/606/VHIL+. It can only be less for HIL 402, hence it is not consider as an important information anymore.

This is screenshot from 2023.1 SP1 version, where this row was visible for the last time:

The SPC Output memory size [variables] represents the number of states (independent capacitors and inductances) + number of measurements (current and voltage measurement) per core. This resource is more utilized in power system models with a lot of impedances and non-ideal contactors.

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