Frequently Asked Question

What should I do if a converter does not have an internal modulator?
Last Updated 4 years ago

If a converter does not have an internal modulator, instead of making your own PWM Modulator which can take a lot of resources (and time), you can use PWM Modulator component. Although it requires physically connecting some of HILs digital inputs and outputs, it attenuates the time slot utilization. For using this resource follow these steps:

  1. Add PWM Modulator component inside your model
  2. Choose carrier frequency, number of channels (up to 12), deadtime etc.
  3. Connect enable (en) port and ports for reference signals (in1,in2...)
  4. Add Digital Input components for every switch you want to independently control by PWM
  5. Assign different Digital input indexes for every Digital Input
  6. Compile and Load the model
  7. Inside HIL SCADA go to Model Settings -> Digital Outputs
  8. Disable SW control and set PWM Modulator signals as signal names for as many Digital inputs as you have digital outputs
  9. Physically connect corresponding digital inputs and outputs (digital loopback). You can see how they are marked by looking into our Hardware User Guide
  10. Run the simulation

If you have access to calibration card, you can also use it for digital loopback, but only for digital outputs 5+

For example, if you want to use PWM Modulator for IGBT leg, set Control source as Digital and S_top as 1 and S_bottom as 2. Then, include PWM Modulator component and set it's parameters, as well as its enable input and reference signal input. For this example, you can use only one channel. After compiling, set it's digital output to match with PWM Modulator signal (as shown in the picture):


Afterwards, physically connect the digital output which you specified in the Digital Output Settings, and digital input which you specified in IGBT leg (as shown in the picture):


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