
Software FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. "Failed to execute script typhoon_hil" problem  
  2. "Internal data integrity fails. Please reinstall Typhoon software."  
  3. Can Typhoon software generate C code for 3rd party hardware?  
  4. Connected status: Not connected - why can't I connect active HIL setup when using USB interface?  
  5. Difference between internal and external memory  
  6. DLL import failure when opening THCC on Windows 7 OS  
  7. Error: Please remove src_path entry in path section in settings.conf file!  
  8. Failed to prepare Virtual HIL device (gcc: command not found)  
  9. How to call function inside another function in HIL SCADA?  
  10. How to feed data from a .csv/.txt file to a simulation  
  11. How to generate .dll file for Advanced C function?  
  12. How to include user library in schematic editor?  
  13. How to use global variables in HIL SCADA?  
  14. I can't load any model due to "Unsupported device license type" error  
  15. I get a compatibility error when loading model to Virtual HIL  
  16. I have uninstalled THCC and now I cannot see THCC file associations anymore  
  17. I'm getting a CIO flag raised in SCADA. What should I do?  
  18. Initializing a model with external files  
  19. LoadLibrary failed with error 87 appears when trying to run Typhoon HIL Control Center  
  20. Screen scaling problems in Typhoon HIL Control Center  
  21. What is System CPU?  
  22. What is the HIL setup?  
  23. Wheels installation error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required  
  24. Why has forward compatibility been removed and a new INI file format introduced for configuring HIL devices?  

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