Frequently Asked Question

Why has forward compatibility been removed and a new INI file format introduced for configuring HIL devices?
Last Updated 3 months ago

The forward compatibility for configuring HIL devices has been discontinued due to the significant maintenance challenges it presented. To address these issues and improve overall system reliability, a new format for the INI configuration files has been introduced. To mitigate this problem, it is necessary to upgrade to the latest software version and save the configuration file using this new version.

If you encounter any issues during this transition, a pop-up window will alert you to the problem, providing guidance on how to proceed.

If you receive a message stating that the version is a mismatch, it means that the version of the INI file does not match the version required by the software. You need to save it with the current version of the software to ensure everything works as intended. The file is copied to your clipboard, and you can view the previous content of the file in its raw state. Save it through the GUI with the new version of the software.

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