Frequently Asked Question

4) What if I want to use my TyphoonSim model in real-time, or vice versa? Is that even possible?
Last Updated about a month ago

Yes, it is possible. TyphoonSim and real-time simulation share a common library of components, allowing you to use the same model for either real-time simulation or TyphoonSim simulation. TyphoonSim will ignore real-time-specific components and constraints, such as Core Coupling components.

The TyphoonSim and real-time simulation environments are fully compatible and well-integrated. You can switch between offline and real-time simulation with just a single click. This integration makes TyphoonSim the ideal tool for model validation, as you can validate your real-time model in the same environment without needing to redraw the model. Since TyphoonSim ignores real-time constraints and utilizes variable simulation step techniques, it provides a high-fidelity reference model.

Note: TyphoonSim will be fully integrated into the main Typhoon HIL Control Center (THCC) in a future release. For the current beta version, TyphoonSim is available as standalone software. However, the models, which use the same .tse file extension, are compatible with both TyphoonSim and the THCC Schematic Editor.

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