Frequently Asked Question

3) How does TyphoonSim compare to Virtual HIL (VHIL)?
Last Updated about a month ago

VHIL is an option on Typhoon HIL Control Center that allows you to run non-real-time software-in-the-loop or model-in-the-loop simulations directly on your PC. However, VHIL models still take into consideration all the requirements of real-time and the selected HIL simulator, ensuring a smooth transition from VHIL to real-time simulation.

For users more familiar with our toolchain, the option VHIL+ further relaxes real-time constraints by removing specific simulator requirements. However, VHIL+ still maintains the same simulation engine, which uses fixed simulation time steps and direct or non-iterative methods.

With TyphoonSim, all real-time constraints are removed. It is a true offline simulator that supports variable simulation steps and iterative numerical solver capabilities.

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