Frequently Asked Question

1) What is TyphoonSim and why is Typhoon HIL introducing it?
Last Updated about a month ago

TyphoonSim is our new offline simulator, featuring variable simulation step and iterative numerical solver capabilities.

Our purpose: TyphoonSim was introduced to maximize the benefits of model-based engineering early in the development process, offering a continuous modeling experience and catering to the needs of design and early-stage testing with greater flexibility and lower costs. With TyphoonSim, you have seamless model continuity from offline to real-time simulations, all within the same toolchain, without having to redraw your schematic.

    Overall goal: The new tool aims to support teaching activities and early-stage testing without the high demands of real-time simulation, making advanced simulation more accessible and practical for a wider range of applications.

    NoteTyphoonSim will be fully integrated into the main Typhoon HIL Control Center (THCC) in a future release. For the current beta version, TyphoonSim is available as standalone software. However, the models, which use the same .tse file extension, are compatible with both TyphoonSim and the THCC Schematic Editor.

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