Frequently Asked Question

Can I trust the results of HIL emulation as I trust a real laboratory?
Last Updated 11 months ago

Here are industry and academic references proving highly accurate results of Typhoon HIL emulators compared to results coming from laboratory prototypes.

Danfoss MyDrive® HIL powered by Typhoon HIL
Powerful tool allowing to emulated dozens of drive variants and motor combinations showing comparative results of HIL-emulated and laboratory-measured grid and motor currents.

Hardware-in-the-loop co-design testbed for flying capacitor multilevel converters
Research by UIUC and MIT. Applications for electric aircraft. NASA funded project.

Robust Current Control of Grid-Tied Inverters Affected by LCL Filter Soft-Saturation

A practical design procedure for robust controllers applied to grid-connected inverters

More HIL vs lab testing references soon to follow!

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