Frequently Asked Question
How to read the MAC address from a HIL device?
Last Updated 3 months ago
To read the MAC address of the HIL device, follow these steps:
- Connect the HIL device to your PC via USB or Ethernet connection. If using Ethernet, ensure you have successfully Set up an Ethernet connection.
- Open Device Manager. Hover over a specific HIL Device Name in the Detected devices window to reveal its IP address and MAC address.
If you are using an older version of Typhoon HIL Control Center (2023.2 or earlier), where only the IP address is displayed when hovering over the Device Name, follow the procedure below:
- Read the IP address of the HIL device that is connected to your PC.
- Open Command Prompt
- Run ipconfig command
- Read the IP address of your Ethernet adapter
- Run arp -a command
- Find the IP address of your Ethernet adapter
- The IP address, Physical address, and Type of the HIL device will be displayed
The example you can find here: